Saturday, May 29, 2010

SPRING In Hungary

Heather May 29,2010
There is nothing I enjoy more than Spring when it finally arrives -- and Spring in Pécs is glorious.The climate here is very mild the last frost is in late March so everything simply bursts into bloom almost simultaneously. I carry my camera in my purse so I can take random pictures of the blossoms I find along my way like these locust flowers at the bus stop.
Hungarians love lilacs and they bloom everywhere almost as if they are wild. At the piac during lilac season every vendor has masses of all varieties and colors of my favorite fragrant bush. These came from a town a 45 minuet bus ride away, brought by a friend for me on Hungarian Mother's Day. They were beautiful for a week!

Everyone decorates for Easter with flowers and colored eggs. My neighbor, Agnes, and her grand daughter, Lila, had fun getting ready for the holiday. I had fun watching them in the courtyard below our balcony.

The roses here are amazing. Almost every yard has huge climbing roses that are 8 to 10 feet tall. There are roses in the public squares and around civic buildings. The winters are so mild that there is no die back so the roses thrive from year to year. I can buy Lily of the valley every day here. It is called pearl flower in Hungary -- lovely name.

This is my little garden on the balcony off our living room. The peonies are from a members garden. Bless here heart, she brings me flowers every Sunday so I don't have to buy any for the Chapel now.

At Elder Hay and Elder Golze farewell party we had a Hungarian Spring party. My friend Beatrix raided her mothers garden and brought the most beautiful fragrant roses I have ever seen. We made garlands and these flower wands that we used in a traditional Hungarian dance, somewhat like the Virginia Reel.

Norm and the Elders especially enjoyed hamming it up with their flower staffs. I think Elder Bouck had a little trouble getting used to waving around a flower wand but he eventually overcame his Texan macho persona.

Rollingson Elder on the other hand, did a great imitation of a faded rose from days gone bye

Kira has just turned 5 and is the darling of the Branch. She loves the Elders, even the old ones!
She was calling Norm her "bacsi" which means elder brother, but is used to describe any little old man. Elder Rollingson was soaking up hugs and attention. Kira has become our surrogate grand daughter.
All in all Spring is a delightful season in Hungary. We kind of smile when we hear of all the snow falling in Utah and Wyoming -- then we go out and look at all the blossoms of Pécs.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

In Quest of the NAGY FAMILY

Elder Hay and Elder Bouck out streeting on a georgous saturday morning
Any contacts that result in a teaching situation are called finds.

The name Nagy (pronounced Noj) is a common family name
in Hungary (Nagy means large or big) The Elders are out
to make a big impression.

By the time you read this blog, Elder Hay will be on his way
home. He has left quit a large imprint in building up the church
in Hungary. Pecs loss will be Idaho Falls gain. We will miss you
Elder Hay.

Monday, May 17, 2010

PECS Cultural Center for Europe 2010

Norm May 17, 2010 As one of the Cultural Capitals of Europe, Pécs will hold an array of cultural programs throughout the year.
This particular event was the Pécs Dance Marathon-International Youth Festival and Workshop.
Ethnic dancers from many European communitees were present. I beleive this group of talented youth represented the Gypsies of Hungary and performed in Jókai Ter just a few short steps from our branch house. Posted by Picasa
Today May 17 is a special day. Our dear friends the Gronnestads from British Columbia enter the MTC. They have been called to the Denmark Copenhagen Mission.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Gofri Est és Családi Est

Who am I???
Allright.....Who swallowed the Feather????

May 10,2010 Norm.

Well the busier we get, the more difficult it becomes to update the blog. Had a hoot with two more successful Gofri Est (Waffle Night) activities in Pecs and Koposvar. Thanks to Val and Deans waffle recipes, our Gofri reputation has been spared. Fed 14 youth in Pecs Friday and 16 in Kaposvar on Saturday. Throw in 8 bottomless pit Elders and you have a plethora of waffles. More than half of the 30 kids are now numbered in the investigator column. Add a couple of wild FHE's and its been a busy week. Elders Hay, Bouck and Nemetz had a baptism on Saturday as well. The work goes forward and we are seeing some progress. Hope we can claim a small hand in the success. Two more weeks and Elder Hay goes home....We'r going to miss him.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Picnic in the Park

Heather studies "Birds of Hungary" and a chance to practice some Magyarul with a dear friend.

Elder Hay and ElderBouck do their King Benjamin routine, or was it the tower of Babel?

Norm May 1, 2010 Saturday May 1st was another Hungarian Holiday. Everything, I mean everything shuts down, the streets are deserted. The weather was gorgeous and everything was perfect for a day with the Branch at the local park.

It was actually a Hike/Picnic. We all met at a bus station about 4 km away and everbody hiked.
Very few of the members have cars so the walk was what they do. For us the return trip about did us in. But it was a good day. Twenty Five people attended, seven were investigators.