Sunday, February 27, 2011

Heather: The Elder have done an excellent job of job of giving spiritual messages at the beginning of our YSA activities Friday night. This one by Elders Bennion and Nielson involved Elders Clark and Galland and one of the YSA guys. Of course it was all in Hungarian so we don't really know what it was  about -- something like not worring about what other people say or think about you, just what Heavenly Father knows about you. They had fun doing it and we had fun watching.
These 3 cuties are VirĂ¡g, Hanna, and Dalma and they were the cutest girls at the Farsang party. Norm had fun practicing his face painting skills. Farsang is the Hungarian winter carnival that is somewhat like our Halloween.
Here we are playing the wheels on the bus go round and round -- well not really -- it was a new game  called electricity! Domi and Niki came to the party and Domi was disappointed to tears that Kira and Hunor were not there! He  really liked playing Do You Love Your Neighbor though. Posted by Picasa

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