I met Gabi's mother and Kira at school where we took some pictures. Kira and all the children were very excited about the special program they had prepared.
All mothers sat on tiny chairs holding their children on their laps. Each child in turn stood and faced Mom and recited a poem to their mother while holding holding her hands. Gabi's eyes show how each mother looked lovingly into her child's eyes with a heart full of pride while the poem was given. As I watched the mothers and the children, I realized that mothers and children are the same no matter where they are in the world. One little girl next to me was terrified and in tears. But when her turn came she bravely stood and gave her poem through her tears not wanting to disappoint her mother. The mother in turn was so proud of her daughter that tears came to her eyes and of course to mine as well!
The mothers were presented beautiful very long stemmed roses by their darlings while the grandmas received a flower that the children had made. After the program, Kira's grandmother treated us to the most delicious ice cream in a quaint ice cream/pastry shop. I had a delightful time being Kira' grandma for a day!

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