Norm, June 26,2010
Before we can tell you about India Night,we have to introduce you to our new friend Karishma. Karishma is Hindu from South Africa. Her ancestry is from India. She has been a Medical Student here in Hungary for the last six years. This week she graduates with her Medical Degree. Her long term passion is in the field of pediatric heart surgery.
Without Karishma there would not have been a India Night. She was India Night.
She so wanted her homeland of India to have representation. So in excitement she volunteered to take take the project on.
After spending an entire day on meal preparation we were treated to a full course meal of Indian cuisine.....and yes including a little curry, topped off with a rice pudding desert.
Then the action started. Indian dancing instruction, complete with projected India production music video
We were pleasantly surprised. most of the young women donned their sarape's and eagerly joined the festivities.
And yes, the guys joined in as well.
gives a brief first missionary discussion.
Including the Branch President and the Missionaries, 29 people attended. The Young adult members do such a great job of getting their non member friends involved. 16 were non members. Many of those are taking the missionary lessons or soon will be. We consider this
activity to be our most successful to date. Karishma....we could not have done it without you.