Saturday, October 22, 2011

Plein Air in the Parks

 Heather: Last week was full of family fun and adventure. My brother, Charles, and his wife, Kristin, came from California for a visit. we had not seen each other for over three years so it was wonderful to have them here. We took Charlie to Jenny Lake in the Teton Natl Park so he could do some plein air painting. The day was perfect and the mountains were glorious as usual.
Charlie found a spot that offered a striking view of mountains, the river, and trees with bright leaves glowing in the sun. It did not take him long to capture the beauty of the place! Norm rested in the sun while I trekked down river to take more pictures -- It was a great day! On Sunday we met most of our family at Church to hear Trevor's home coming talk. He did great and we loved hearing his stories and feeling his great love for the Gospel and his Savior. Corena and Kevin had a wonderful meal for everyone after the meetings. I think there must have been 45 people at their house!
Norm: As a professional artist, Charlie goes by the name of Charles H. White. For samples of his works, google Charles H. White Artist

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