Mar. 27,2010 Norm: They just kept on comin! We had anticipated and prepared for 10 or 12, but they just kept on coming. It was a great night, we loved it, the kids loved it and it will be a tough night to match. We ended up with 20 young adults. Twelve of which were potential investigators. It was a Mexican Fiesta night which started with a quiz game on Mexico followed by musical chairs to Mexican Hat Dance Mariachi Music. A big highlight of the evening was the Macarena. We took our laptop and played the music from a Youtube production and tapped it in to the Chapel sound system.....It was "muy grande". Heathers Tacos did a quick disappearing act and were very popular. Another highlight of the evening was receiving a Skype call from where else but Mexico. Thanks to our dear friends the Gronnestads who are awaiting visas for their call to the Denmark Copenhagen Mission. Kids were able to chat and see the country side of Mazatlan from their condo deck. This went over cool big time with the kids. The evening ended with the chaotic demise of our homemade pinata. We will do this activity in Kaposvár April 17th --hope it will be as successful there. Next week we have no activity because of Easter, but instead, we Senior Missionaries are getting together for our own get-together weekend in Budapest.
..............................................NORM AND HEATHER ROLLINGSON..............................................
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Fiesta Labamba
Mar. 27,2010 Norm: They just kept on comin! We had anticipated and prepared for 10 or 12, but they just kept on coming. It was a great night, we loved it, the kids loved it and it will be a tough night to match. We ended up with 20 young adults. Twelve of which were potential investigators. It was a Mexican Fiesta night which started with a quiz game on Mexico followed by musical chairs to Mexican Hat Dance Mariachi Music. A big highlight of the evening was the Macarena. We took our laptop and played the music from a Youtube production and tapped it in to the Chapel sound system.....It was "muy grande". Heathers Tacos did a quick disappearing act and were very popular. Another highlight of the evening was receiving a Skype call from where else but Mexico. Thanks to our dear friends the Gronnestads who are awaiting visas for their call to the Denmark Copenhagen Mission. Kids were able to chat and see the country side of Mazatlan from their condo deck. This went over cool big time with the kids. The evening ended with the chaotic demise of our homemade pinata. We will do this activity in Kaposvár April 17th --hope it will be as successful there. Next week we have no activity because of Easter, but instead, we Senior Missionaries are getting together for our own get-together weekend in Budapest.
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Looks like fun, although grandpa's pinata holding job looks a little scary :)
ReplyDeletehey hello! looks like it was a really nice party! unfurtunatelly we missed it :( we are 4 mexicans living in Pécs, how can we contact you? we would like to join your group!!!