Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas is coming.

Christmas lights are going up. Szénchenyi tér has a beautiful tall Christmas tree and people milling about visiting and enjoying the sights in the brisk evening air.
Kossuth tér had a group of shepherds singing to the crowd and occasionally would single out women in the group to be smacked with thin sticks. That must have had some significance that escaped me.
This is the life sized Bethlehem or Nativity that is in the tér. It is made from reeds, straw, and corn stalks. The traditional Bethlehem in Hungary is made from corn husks. That is a medium that is available to even the poorest farmer. There is a potter in Kapovár that makes very lovely pottery Nativity figures that you can see in the Haslem's blog.
This is the Christmas tree in the Baughman's living room in the Mission Home. Norm had a great time making the Angel Moroni for the top and he managed to get it up there when we were there last week. We are certainly feeling more of the Christmas Spirit here this year! Posted by Picasa


  1. Hungary looks so pretty at Christmas. That Angel Moroni is fantastic! My husband John is trying to figure out what Norm made it out of. He's guessing styrofoam?

  2. All you pictures are wonderful, I loved the life size nativity made from reeds and straw. Was looking for you Gingerbread temple though, are you going to post it soon. The Deyholos family is almost finished our gingerbread craze. Yes... we went with the Eiffel Tower. Brad insisted.
